Sunday, March 22, 2009

Angry mother appalled that art is still being taught in schools

 Christchurch mother Cheryl Davies (pictured above with her "life partner" Daryll) is up in arms that her daughter, aged 13, is studying art at school. "Art is all about how it looks and this is sending a bad message to young girls" she tells our reporter. She worries that her daughter may fall victim to low self esteem and develop "problems of self" because she is constantly being exposed to artworks that rely entirely on aesthetic value to become noticed. "is this the kind of message we want our kids hearing? Why do you think so many artists go crazy? Van gogh (she pronounced it "Van gog") cut off his ear because the girl he liked didn't like him! A victim of his own creation" she yelled into our reporters microphone , "... and how many of these paintings have pictures of naked women?! Reduced to nothing more than objects! Obviously, as I am one of the few responsible parents in this country, I have banned all art work & art supplies from my house and now i have to get it banned from schools! Doing the governments work yet again". This is not the first time Cheryl has been in the news for protesting against how schools are run. She was voted least popular woman of 2006 by students in our annual poll for banning the sale of fattening foods in schools. Cheryl says she fights because no one else has the "inner strength" and that "as long as schools continue to teach children that this superficial, excuse my language, B.S. , then i will be fighting and if my Annie just so happens to suffer because her friends don't wanna come over because I'm a "psycho", then the ministry of education will have to live knowing they ruined a young, slightly obese (again their fault) girls adolescence".