Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please god don't ever make a 9/11 phone operator

In america some lady had pet chimp and it fucking destroyed her face when she was in a drug coma. My friends brother was an emergency call operator and she made it seem like a really cool job because he just fucked round on the internet all day but i bet if you recieved this call you would be feeling pretty down about yourself. Especially if you're as incompetent as the guy who took the monkey face ripping off phonecall. This does kinda sound like a joke though.

"He ripped her face off!"

EDIT: Jack just told me that he saw this ages ago. i thought i was being all up to date and providing "fresh" content to the "user-base". Let myself down. Just wanna end it. Wish the monkey had ripped my face off. put me out of my misery

EDIT EDIT: SHE WASN'T EVEN IN A DRUG COMA. THAT WAS ANOTHER INCIDENT WHERE A LADY GOT HER FACE DESTROYED BY A CAT. The link between this story and the the chimp one is that both these ladies are getting their faces undestroyed at the same face transplant clinic (see: John Travolta&Nick cage in Faceoff. But these ladies aren't switching their destroyed faces. that would be dumb and fiscally irresponsible).

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