Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Haka.

As I was going through my e-mail archives i found a document I had saved off a school laptop about 2 years ago. I feel cruel showing this but i feel as though it is of vital importance that people can read it. It is an essay style analysis of the Haka by someone from my school. It's the most beautiful thing i have ever read. I will keep the authors name a secret for their sake.

Name of tape: Haka.

Author: unknown.

Date 9th march 2007

The images that I see when I see the haka are maria worries getting ready for a fight/war, they are siking out the enemy and they look strong and with no fair they have big eyes and looking straight at the enemy.

The pace of the haka is inconstant in the beginning it starts off slowly and then gets gradugey faster as the haka goes on andm the men join in. for example when the leader calls his men into battle its very slow and then when the men join in it gets faster.

This shows the pase of the haka is important because it helps the men get ready for battle and builds up there adrenalin and gets them racked up and try to scare the opponent out. The purpose of the haka is to get the men hipped up. The all blacks do this to get them ready for battle, game, match and to scare the opponent and get the crowed ready. For example when the whole team joins in it gets very loud and imtimadating. This shows that the purpose of the haka is to scare the opponent.

When I hear the haka I feel joy and pride. I feel this because the all blacks are playing of new Zealanders us. For example when the all blacks play and do the haka they are pretty much the only team that does the haka. This shows that when I hear the haka I feel very joyful and proud.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

george this is so funny