Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tweens make more than just dance videos on youtube

So I think it's hilarious that some kid in Britain has just had a kid at the age of 13 (he looks more like 9) no doubt the crafty work of popular mainstream music. I found it twice as funny as both the mother and father look like people I know, both from my school, and both are definite candidates for school shootings in my mind. Maybe that's just me.

I still remember at the vulnerable age of 12 I was trading pokemon cards and playing Duke Nuke 'Em on windows 98, but this young chap wanted to score some 'tang and start a family. The cultural barrier between New Zealand and Britain is larger than I thought. AND, for the record, some British T.V personality has claimed he looks like Alfie Patten (pre-teen father), I'm not sure why that's something worthy of claiming but he did it anyway.
His thoughts must have been something like:
"hoooooly shit, I look like that pre-tween parent from the news, sweet!"
Anyhow, tween parents = lulz.

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